Helheim Hassle triumphed in the Story Games weekly vote!

We all have an untold story inside us don't we? This week we had story games where you could train your imagination and discover things you have never experienced before. The Winner for this week's vote is Helheim Hassle by Perfectly Paranormal from Norway! Congrats to the winner and big thanks again to all the Nominees and voters!

"Helheim Hassle is a narrative adventure game with puzzle platforming elements. Play as Bjørn, a pacifist Viking that can detach and combine limbs at will to solve challenging puzzles and get out of uncomfortable situations involving desperate Norse Gods, Goblins, Dragons, and angry skeletons."

Check out Helheim Hassle

Runners up:

    ''Saint Kotar by Red Martyr Entertainment, Croatia - 2nd place
    ''Burn Me Twice by Null Reference Studio, Spain - 3rd place

The rest of the Nominees (in Alphabetical order):
